Pedagogical conditions of preparation of future teachers of musical art to performing activity

  • О. О. Цуранова
  • В. А. Булгакова
Keywords: pedagogical conditions, learning to play the piano, learning interaction, musical thinking, performing development, methods of musical training


The article realized the pedagogical analysis of the problem of teaching students to play the piano in connection with the organization, the achievement of teacher- student interaction, masterful performance and general musical progress of a pupil; formation of the emotional attitude toward a future teacher's student's. The criteria allowing to determine the level of competence of future teachers of musical art in the sphere of their professional and pedagogical activity are considered. Three groups of pedagogical conditions for effective organization of piano playing in the system of preparation of the future teacher of musical art are singled out. The organization of the educational process of playing the piano on the arts faculties of the pedagogical profile aimed at forming a «systematic» musical thinking in the student, aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the musical material. Ensuring a positive emotional attitude towards the process of learning piano playing at the initial stage. Development of the student's ability to independent thinking and creative initiative.

The general problem of teaching the piano playing is that some of the teachers consider their only task to teach «technology»  to play a musical instrument that does not relieve the piano teacher of the duty to systematically form musical-intonational thinking, develop emotional-figurative perception music.

The conditions of modern music life, new technical possibilities of communication with music put this task at the forefront. The task of the teacher is to reveal to the student the essence of musical art, to awaken a teacher-musician, a creative initiative in it, to develop the performing technique necessary for the implementation of the author's idea and his own vision of the work. You can do this only during the process of working on a musical composition, as well as special exercises.

The contact of the teacher with the students in the artistic and creative, personal, musical-cognitive, educational and educational spheres is the more complete, the more enthusiastic and purposeful they reveal to themselves and comprehend the artistic and technical aspects of the music pieces that are being learned. With the accumulation of experience in cognition of music, forms of piano mastery of it, the student gradually acquires independence and creative initiative in work on the work.

The means of purposeful development of musical thinking of the future teacher of musical art can be a holistic performance show, theoretical and performance analysis, verbal-image disclosure of musical image, decoding of author's and editorial remarks, the use of artistic and associative forms of influence, which lead to comprehension of the content of the work, the upbringing of musical memory as one of the most important conditions for the development and accumulation of musical and auditory representations.

The results of scientific research have shown that the most important pedagogical conditions for organizing the training of piano students is the achievement of a successful educational interaction between a teacher and a student, the unity of the performing and general musical development of the pupil; stimulating the development of musical abilities, independent thinking and creative initiative; support in educational activities on the principles of unity of artistic and technical, emotional and conscious.


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How to Cite
Цуранова, О. О., & Булгакова, В. А. (2018). Pedagogical conditions of preparation of future teachers of musical art to performing activity. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (42). Retrieved from