Formation of future doctors’ professional culture

  • Г. В. Овсяннікова Харківський національний медичний університет
  • Т. В. Лутаєва Харківський національний університет імені В.Н.Каразіна
Keywords: professional culture, professional foreign language competence, University, components of professional foreign language competence of a physician, doctor, student


In the ar cle it was analyzed the peculiari es of the forma on of the professional culture of future doctors in the educa onal space of Ukrainian ins tu ons of higher educa on. It was stated that the component of the professional culture of the doctor is a communica ve culture, which involves the forma on of foreign competence of future doctors in teaching the discipline «Foreign language (in professional direc on)». The author focuses on the existence of tradi on of intercultural interac on in the educa onal space of the medical school in Slobozhanshchyna during the imperial era. The ar cle gives examples of the forma on of skills of successful professional speech ac vity in foreign languages at the Imperial Kharkiv University. It has been determined that professionally directed medical foreign language is an integrated subject, which combines the coverage of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctua on in general with the classical foreign language, as well as the study of grammar, vocabulary and stylis cs of a medical foreign language. It is noted that professionally directed medical foreign language is also closely connected with the subjects of medical and cultural orienta on. The structural components of the professional foreign language competence of the physician are determined, which include: axiological (mo ves, goals, values), cogni ve (transforma on of foreign language knowledge of different levels in the professional field of ac vity) and ac vity (skills, forms and methods of using foreign language knowledge in professional ac vity). It is noted that the ac vity component of the professional foreign language competence of the physician involves the implementa on of the principles of personal and professional orienta on, coopera on, mul func onality, problem approach, as well as the introduc on of problem-based teaching methods. It has been established that the introduc on into the educa onal process of problem tasks causes the interpreta on and upda ng of professional informa on in foreign language classes, cri cal thinking of medical students. Further research is required in the field of theore cal analysis of the teaching of the discipline “Foreign Language (in professional orienta on)” as a means of introducing innova ve teaching methods and technologies with the aim of forming the competence of future foreign doctors.


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How to Cite
Овсяннікова, Г. В., & Лутаєва, Т. В. (2019). Formation of future doctors’ professional culture. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (45), 92-98.