Methodical features of the implementation of level differentiation in teaching mathematics to students of ZZSO in the conditions of inclusive education
Problem formulation. On the basis of the State standard of basic general secondary education , the acquisition by children with special educational needs of high-quality, unified and professional education is considered one of the main and necessary conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their participation in the life of society, which brings the results of self-realization in various types of professional and social activity. In fact, inclusive education allows to guarantee the socialization of children in a better way than training in correctional and developmental schools. In order to implement this direction to the full extent, updates are needed in teaching methods, in particular, in the teaching of mathematics.
The aim of the article is to determine the methodological features of the implementation of level differentiation in the teaching of mathematics to students of primary and secondary schools in the conditions of inclusive education .
Materials and methods. To conduct this research, the following methods were applied in a complex: analysis of psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature, systematization and generalization of different views on the methodology of teaching mathematics in conditions of inclusion.
Results. On the basis of the analysis of questions regarding the methodical features of the implementation of level differentiation in the teaching of mathematics of secondary school students in the conditions of inclusive education, the main principles on which the organization of the inclusive education system is based were determined, the essence of the concept of «differentiation» in the process of teaching mathematics was examined in detail, and different types of differentiation were distinguished. It is indicated that for the correct application of different-level tasks, the teacher needs to take into account the composition of the contingent of students in inclusive classes, and a scheme for dividing students into groups is provided. Taking into account the composition of students in an inclusive class, the levels of knowledge acquisition are highlighted: advanced level (gifted children and children with a high degree of education); basic level (children of the age norm, children with OOP (with preserved intelligence)); minimally adaptive (children with intellectual disabilities and children with medium or low developmental potential). Depending on the features of students’ perception and processing of information, including those with special educational needs, the following categories are distinguished: audials , visual and kinesthetic . It is described by what signs the above categories can be recognized in the learning process. Methodological features are presented, which can be applied in the preparation of different level tasks of selected levels of knowledge acquisition, taking into account the peculiarities of perception of each level.
Conclusions. The application of the presented methodological features in the preparation of tasks, in accordance with the types of information perception by students ( audials , visuals , kinesthetics ) , allows you to organize learning in an inclusive class, involving all students in the process, including children with special educational needs, this element of learning technology helps effectively teach diverse children in the existing classroom.
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