Diagnostics of formation of the components of social competence of students of humanitarian specialties of classical universities (present stage)

  • О. А. Жукова
Keywords: social competence, pedagogical experiment, game technology, diagnostics, student, classical university


The article presents the results of a complex diagnostics of the formation of components of the social competence of students of classical universities in different regions of Ukraine. The diagnosis was carried out at a present stage of the pedagogical experiment, in which 948 humanitarian students took part (also philosophers, historians and archaeologists, cultural scientists, philologists). Among these students there are included 476 students in the experimental group (EG), and the 472 students in the control group (CG). The motivational, informative, procedural, personality assessing criteria were assessed. The levels of assessment of each criterion were determined as: high, medium and low. During the pointed stage of the pedagogical experiment we used various types of tests, poorly formalized and formalized methods, also were used: a test questionnaire of personality self-actualization (A. Lazukina in adaptation by N. Kalina), achievement motivation (A. Mehrabian), projective methodology of unfinished sentences; the methodology proposed by V. Sinyavsky and V. Fedoroshin named ―Communication and Organizational Abilities‖; V. Vinokurov’s methodology for diagnosing value orientations (―Career Anchor‖); a questionnaire written by
E. Bazhin, E. Golinkina, L. Etkind (―The level of subjective control‖).


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How to Cite
Жукова, О. А. (2017). Diagnostics of formation of the components of social competence of students of humanitarian specialties of classical universities (present stage). Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 79-88. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pedagogy/article/view/14847