The teacher’s role in preparing astudent’sscientific presentation in english
The article deals with the problem of preparing students for various scientific presentationsthey are supposed to make in English. The topic seems relevant in view of an increasing need for a competent professionals being able to contact foreign colleagues directly, take part in international workshops, conferences and other events. Certain strategies should be developed by a teacher to provide students with the appropriate training and develop the skills necessary for speaking in front of a big audience.
Particular attention has been paid to creating special situations which comply with the requirements of professionally-oriented discourse. The main criteria of preparing a high-quality presentation are given. Some problematic issues hamperingtheproper performance have been analyzed. Stage fright must be taken into consideration as one of these issues. According tonumerous studies, it often produces adverse effects on a speaker if the one has not been prepared to express his ideas in public. The teaching methods to overcome stage fright are discussed in the article.
An essential role in preparing students to participate in a scientific conference belongs to the teacher. The importance to provide students with original materials in a foreign language has been emphasized. A teacher should be able to guide and supervise the whole bulk of work done by the students getting ready to make a scientific presentation.
Another approach helping to develop students’ speaking skills as well as their motivation is a role play. It is addressed as the means to decrease the level of anxiety and develop professional, behavioralandintellectualhabits and skills within a limited period of time.
The article also investigates the necessity to take into account the complexity of different communicative tasks students encounter and certain steps to complete them. Attitude towards mistakes are mentioned as the ones which should not prevent the process of public presentations.
The authors have demonstrated the ways to encourage students to speak in public and the benefits of scientific presentations in English at students’ conferences which students obtain.
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