Research of the computer model of the web service for testing knowledge
Testing is widely used as one of the methods of monitoring students' assimilation of knowledge and has a number of certain advantages over traditional methods of assessment. At schools and universities, tests can be used for monitoring and evaluate students' behavior, psyche, career guidance, or motivation. For a long time, paper tests have been used by educational institutions and private companies to assess student or employee performance. State exams and contests often include a multiple-choice test. Conducting such tests requires preparing a location for the test, spending time on checking and notifying students. Currently, there are a large number of different ways to monitor and evaluate knowledge. A tool for measuring a student's achievements is a properly designed test that corresponds not only to the subject of study, but also to its tasks and serves to develop a systematic approach to studying the discipline. Testing in educational institutions is used as a means of objective control of students' knowledge of the curriculum. Systematic monitoring of students' level of knowledge, on the one hand, determines the student's academic performance, and on the other hand, it is an indicator of the effectiveness of teaching methods and organization of the educational process. The inclusion of various forms of test tasks in the learning process motivates students to step up work on mastering educational material and forms a desire to develop their abilities. Comparing the testing performed with the help of paper questionnaires and online testing, it is obvious that online testing is much more effective.
The computer models of web-based knowledge verification services have been investigated in this paper by using methods of statistical and computer modeling. The research of knowledge control methods has been carried out and it has been shown that the time required to create a test and analyze the results in the perspective system could be minimized by using the modern technologies in the field of web development. The choice of the system architecture and a specific set of technologies depends on the requirement of maximizing speed of the system-user interaction. The analytical component of the system should answer the users’ most popular questions concerning the test results. The results obtained provide the main characteristics for creating a computer model of a web service for testing knowledge.
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