Automating the relationships between printing companies and their stakeholders
The dynamic development of the printed goods market requires ensuring manageability and flexibility of printing business. Nowadays any printing company needs to meet stakeholders’ requirements. Moreover, it should constantly monitor, analyze and assess their satisfaction. But monitoring and analysis without a quick and proper response to stakeholders’ actions do not always bring the required results. Evaluating the competitiveness of a printing company can help it to keep up with the competition. The integration of a decision support system into the automated system of a printing company will allow it to make informed decisions. Maintaining the customer-oriented nature of a printing company requires the usage of modern technologies and the leading place among these technologies belongs to CRM systems. Automated systems based on CRM technologies are present in the market of printing services, but none of them makes it possible to improve the efficiency of the relationship between a printing company and its stakeholders. Therefore, the development of the system that would meet all the requirements of a printing company and support the effective decision-making process is quite relevant.
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