The method of synthesizing scalar functions of functions for vibor for bagatocriterial tasks, priinyattya rishen, in the case of unaccounted
The problem of the definition of decision selection criteria (objective functions) and sought-for quantities estimation are considered in the multi-objective problems under a priori uncertain data. The types of decision selection criteria scalar convolution are obtained for the multi-objective problems of the development of robust meta-models, mathematical models identification, optimization and decision making. A model and a method for the synthesis of solutions of multicriteria problems of stochastic optimization with mixed conditions (MV-problems) are considered. A computational method for the synthesis of solutions of problems of this class is developed, based on a memetic algorithm. Examples of the implementation of the proposed method for solving test problems in deterministic and stochastic formulations are presented. Application of the proposed developments provides an effective robust estimation of the sought values for the parametric uncertainty of the input data and a reduction in the information complexity of the method for synthesizing quasisolutions.
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