Introduction. The article focuses on the advantages of e-voting and the insufficient study of human rights aspects in this process. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to identify public policy strategies for the successful implementation of e-voting in Ukraine, taking into account international experience and ensuring human rights and freedoms in the electoral process.
Summary of the main research results. The main findings of the study point to the relevance of introducing e-voting in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges. An e-voting system can ensure compliance with international electoral and human rights standards, such as privacy, accessibility, non-discrimination, information, and verification of votes. The experience of foreign countries, in particular Estonia, confirms the success and benefits of e-voting, the analysis of which is important for other countries, including Ukraine, in implementing their e-voting systems.
Switzerland, the United States, Norway, Sweden, India, and Brazil have also used e-voting, with varying degrees of success and challenges related to security and privacy. For example, in Switzerland, e-voting was used experimentally in some cantons but faced significant security issues, while in India, EVMs have become standard in most polling stations, increasing public confidence in the electoral process. However, recent events in Brazil and the United States show that unscrupulous politicians can challenge the operation of any electronic voting system, which can lead to mass protests and unrest.
The Council of Europe and the Venice Commission have formulated principles and standards for the use of information and communication technologies in electoral processes, which include security, transparency, and respect for fundamental human rights. Ukraine is actively preparing for the introduction of electronic voting, as evidenced by the large number of draft laws that have been registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine but have not yet been adopted, although this indicates an awareness of the need to use digital technologies to ensure citizens' voting rights.
Conclusions. The experience of foreign countries confirms the popularity of e-voting due to the development of information and communication technologies. Ukraine, with its high scientific and technical potential, has prospects for introducing e-voting. However, the successful application requires comprehensive preparation, including software certification, pilot projects, personal data protection, strengthening cybersecurity, and the adoption of a special law on the use of e-voting at various levels and the introduction of e-voting as an alternative method along with traditional voting.
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