Professionally focused vlog in pre-service foreign language teacher education

Keywords: pre-service English teacher, professionally focused communicative competence, professionally focused foreign language vlog, project log, quasi-professional task


The phenomenon of “vlogging” is articulated through its pivotal role in the professionally focused communicative competence development of pre-service foreign language teachers, particularly those specializing in English. The exploration encompasses a review of both domestic and international scholarly contributions. A professionally focused vlog is conceptualized as an information and research project that is educational in form and professional in content delineating the trajectory of the prospective teacher’s future career. Its genesis is ascribed to contemporary pedagogical demands for the establishment of an enriching multimedia educational environment, envisioned to foster the augmentation of interaction; the integration of authentic online resources and tasks, inciting students to explore diverse professional and pedagogical issues; the cultivation of the skills pertinent to both independent and collaborative information gathering, transforming it into a profound learning experience that steers clear of a linear sequence in favor of a comprehensive array of sources for forging personalized learning pathways.

Professionally focused foreign language vlogs are posited to ensure the attainment of intercultural foreign language communication competences among professionals in educational domains, contingent upon adherence to specific stipulations. They entail: setting explicit  project objectives aligned with authentic outcomes reflective of prospective professional activities; creating quasi-professional tasks (a partial analogue of a professional one) designed to enhance university-level students’ professional motives and interests in teaching languages and cultures, and modelling situations that closely mirror challenges pertinent to professional advancement; maintaining a project log for a 4-5 weeks duration, meticulously managing ordered stages of work during classroom and extracurricular activities, accompanied by a set of exercises and tasks for improving linguistic, speech, educational-strategic and socio-cultural competences; promoting personalised learning to explore topics that align with their professional aspirations; facilitating reflection practices, taking into account the obstacles students encountered and the resolution strategies they surmounted in pursuit of project goals; emphasizing self-regulation, critical appraisal and revision.



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How to Cite
Melnyk, A. (2024). Professionally focused vlog in pre-service foreign language teacher education. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (44), 122-137.