Energy efficiency: a necessity or an end in itself?

Keywords: energy efficiency, energy intensity, GDP, fuel and energy resources, energy security


The article considers the issues of ensuring energy efficiency from the standpoint of reducing the energy intensity of Ukraine’s GDP. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the consumption of various types of fuel and energy resources on the formation of the nominal value of Ukraine’s GDP, taking into account national characteristics, the level of economic development and the availability of its own raw material base, as well as providing the economic basis for the country's independence and the welfare of the population. The task is to study the dependence of the nominal GDP on the consumption of various types of fuel and energy resources. The results were obtained: it was found that having enough coal and nuclear energy among the fuel and energy resources, the national economy of Ukraine is very dependent on oil and natural gas exports. The supply of these energy resources is carried out mainly from Russia or through intermediaries to other countries, which does not fundamentally change the origin of these energy resources. The lack of diversification of sources of fuel and energy resources threatens the country's energy security and independence. An analytical dependence of the nominal GDP on the consumption of various types of fuel and energy resources is obtained, which is described by the multiple regression equation and is adequate by the criteria of mathematical statistics. Conclusions: the resulting equation indicates that Ukraine’s GDP is directly proportional to the consumption of coal and nuclear energy and inversely proportional to the consumption of oil, oil products and natural gas. The solution to the problem of reducing the energy intensity of GDP should be carried out with a simultaneous increase in GDP, and not just a decrease in the consumption of fuel and energy resources.


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How to Cite
Derkach, T. (2020). Energy efficiency: a necessity or an end in itself?. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (11), 54-61.