Modern trends of marketing in tourist enterprises

Keywords: marketing, marketing in tourism, travel company, marketing activity, marketing tendencies


The article analyzes modern marketing trends in tourist enterprises; studies the essence of the concepts "marketing" and "marketing in tourism". The peculiarities of marketing management at the enterprises of tourism industry are clarified through the prism of interpretations of modern scholars. The author gives specific characteristics of the tourist product and their influence on the marketing strategy of the tourist enterprise. The article also reveals the tendencies of tourism development at the world level within globalization, the main of which are the growth of tourist flows, increase of quality requirements and changes in the direction of tourist services, the growth of the diversity of tourist products, the use of modern information technology in the provision of tourist services


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How to Cite
Danko, N., & Kurinna, S. (2018). Modern trends of marketing in tourist enterprises. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (7), 102-108.