Рeculiarities of the business environment’s natural honey producer on the ukrainian consumer market

Keywords: macromarketing environment, micromarketing environment, consumer market, honey


In today’s world, the business environment’s study of natural honey producers in the Ukrainian market needs special attention, because in conditions of excess supply over demand, increased competition among domestic producers significantly complicate sales. Askania-Pak Company is one of the largest exporters of honey in Ukraine. That is why the subject of the article is the business environment of honey producers in the Ukrainian consumer market. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the business environment of Ukrainian natural honey producer on the basis of the analysis of micro- and macro environment of Ascania-Pack Company in the consumer market. General scientific methods ar used, such as system analysis, synthesis, abstract-logical and scientific abstraction – to find out basic factors of macromarketing environment that influence activity of Ascania-Pack Company; to single out the most essential of all possible factors; induction and deduction were used from discovery of general factors in terms of macromarketing environment analysis to formation of alternative variants of managerial problem solution. The following results were obtained: peculiarities of business environment of natural honey producer on the basis of micro- and macro environment analysis of Ascania-Pack Company activity in the consumer market were determined. Conclusions: the selection of factors for groups of macromarketing environment (political and legal, economic, demographic, scientific and technical, natural and climatic and cultural) was made; the marketing threats and opportunities for the activity of Ascania-Pack Company were singled out; the alternative variants of solution of a management problem of preservation and expansion of the existing market share of Ukrainian honey for strengthening of competitive position of the company were developed.





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How to Cite
Alla Starostina, Olena Bilovodska, & Anastasiia Shkiria. (2021). Рeculiarities of the business environment’s natural honey producer on the ukrainian consumer market. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (14), 96-106. https://doi.org/10.26565/2310-9513-2021-14-10