Geographical features of formation of sediments in the pool Seversky Donets

  • О. П. Мірошніченко Український науково-дослідний інститут екологічних проблем
Keywords: bottom sediments, heavy metals, natural conditions, soil, erosion


The conditions for the formation of sediments, depending on the nature of singularities. Identified sources of heavy metals into the «water environment - bottom sediments of the», greatest impact erosion of the catchment area of the rivers. It is confirmed that the sediments are the main hubs of mass of pollutants, including nutrients and heavy metals, due to entering the water bodies of significant volumes of solids due to soil erosion from the catchment basin.


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How to Cite
Мірошніченко, О. П. (2014). Geographical features of formation of sediments in the pool Seversky Donets. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (1-2), 81-85. Retrieved from
Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research