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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This submission has not previously been published and was not sent to the editorial boards of other magazines (or the comments for the editor below are necessary explanations).

  • The submission file is a document in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF or WordPerfect format.

  • Internet links in the text are accompanied by complete correct URLs.

  • The text meets the requirements for the stylistics and bibliography outlined Керівництві для авторів section "About the magazine"

  • Articles are accepted throughout the year in streaming mode. Length of the main text of the article constitutes 9 – 10 pages.

Author Guidelines

Authors responsibilities

General provisions

Authorship and AI tools

Style and format

Manuscript structure

Conflict of interest statement

Sample of the design of the article

Article Processing Charges (APC) Policy

Copyright notice

Privacy statement


Authors must:

  • ensure that they have written truly original works;
  • have significant contribution to the research (if a paper has several authors);
  • guarantee obtained permission for use of copyrighted materials;
  • certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere;
  • identify all sources used in the creation of their manuscript;
  • disclose in their manuscript any substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the assessment of their manuscript.

Information obtained by authors privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source. By submitting an article to the editorial board, the authors agree that (in the case of publication in the paper version of the Journal) their text will be automatically published in the online version of the Journal (under open access).

See also: "Responsible Research Publication: International Standards for Authors"


Authors should not list AI-assisted technologies, such as LLMs, chatbots, or image creators, as authors or co-authors. AI tools used in research or manuscript preparation must be transparently disclosed in the cover letter, acknowledgments, and methods section. Authors are responsible for accuracy, avoiding plagiarism, and guarding against AI-induced bias. Editors may reject manuscripts for inappropriate AI use, and reviewers must refrain from AI-generated reviews to maintain confidentiality.  

See also: COPE position statement about authorship and AI tools

AI-generated images and other multimedia are not allowed in our journal without explicit permission from the editors.  Exceptions may be considered for content in manuscript directly related to AI or machine learning, subject to evaluation on an individual basis.


 The authors are responsible for the publication content and declare that this is their own work and the results have not been published before.

Papers should a) contain an unquestionable scientific novelty; b) take into account the leading contemporary publications on the relevant philosophical problems and the history of their consideration; c) correspond to the scientific priorities of the journal.

Articles are published in Ukrainian and English.

The fact of submitting the manuscript to the "Man and Environment.  Issue of Neoecology" confirms that the author agrees with the editorial policy in our journal, the ethical principles of reviewing and editing manuscripts, the open access policy, the provisions on copyright and confidentiality.

Articles are checked for plagiarism.

The decision on the acception the paper for publication is carried out based on the results of a "double-blind" review.

Manuscripts can be any length. There are no restrictions on word count, number of figures, or amount of supporting information.

Manuscripts can be sent by e-mail either to, or to the e-mail box of the Executive Secretary, or sent through the journal's website.

The average period for reviewing the article for compliance and checking for plagiarism is 20 days.

The average review period is 60 days.

The average term of publication is 90 days.

Deadline for submission of articles: April 30 and October 30, respectively

Articles are rejected if they do not meet the log profile or the design does not meet the requirements.


Basic Requirements for Manuscript Text

  1. Font should be Times New Roman.
  2. Kegl (font size) should be 11 pt, 1.0-spacing. Do not format text in multiple columns.
  3. The fields should be symmetrical (2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5 cm).
  4. Manuscripts should be submitted without page numbering.
  5. Tables are numbered (if only one table is not numbered). The word Table is aligned to the right. On the next line The table name is centered, all 10 pt, 1.0 interval.



    The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index – without indentation, left alignment, in capital letters, low-fat font.

    Name and surname of the author (authors) – center alignment, bold font, capital, 11pt, academic degree and title (pt11).

    position at work
    e-mail  and ORCID of the author (authors) – 10pt,  centered alignment
    The full name of the institution  – 10pt, Italic, centered alignment
     The institution address – 10pt,  centered alignment

    Title of the manuscript – in capital letters, center alignment, bold font.


    • The Abstract should contain not less 1800 characters (with spaces), that is about 300 words. The font should be 12pt, 1.0-spacing.
    • Also you should add keywords (from 4 to 6 ones).
    • The Abstract should be structured for experimental articles,  where you must specify the words: Purpose.  Methods. Results. Conclusions.  The abstract should be constructed both in abstract journals and reflect the essence of the experiments, the main results and their interpretation.
    • In the Abstract it's not desirable to duplicate the text of the paper. The Abstract should not include manuscript title, citations, references and abbreviations.

    Main text

    • The main text should be placed in one blank line after the Abstract. The main text also should be justified and the indent should be 1.0 cm.
    • The text of the article should include the following sections: «Introduction», «Methods» («Objects and Methods»), «Results of Research», «Discussion» (it is possible to have a joint section «Results and Discussion»), «Conclusions», «References».
    • Section «Introduction» should include the following: the description of the problem and its relationship with important scientific or practical tasks; a brief analysis of recent research and publications; the identification of specific issues as well as the objective and tasks of the research.
    • Chapter «Methods» should contain information about the object (objects) of research, experimental conditions, analytical methods, devices and reagents.
    • In the section «Results of Research» the author should provide results and should reflect patterns arising from the data. The information should be compared with the available literature data and the author should show its novelty.
    • In the section «Results of Research» the author should provide results and should reflect patterns arising from the data. The information should be compared with the available literature data and the author should show its novelty.
    • In the «Conclusions» the author should provide a synthesis and interpretation of results, the analysis of causality between the identified effects, and the answer to the questions identified in the introduction should be given

      In-Text References

      In-text references should be submitted in square brackets in the order of the references in the text
      CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT.The authors declare financial or any other conflict of interest at the end of the article. They must indicate all sources of finance (grants, programs, etc). If there is no conflict of interest, the authors should state: “The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.”


      "Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology" uses the APA (American Psychological Association) reference style.

      References must contain sources of at least 17, including: the share of references to work of the last 5 years is not less than 50%; the share of references to Scopus and  WOS publications not less than 15%; the share of references to the publications of the author and co-authors is not more than 10% - size 10, line spacing 1.0. References are given in square brackets with the number in the order of reference in the text.

      If necessary, you can see the full text of the "Publication manual of the American Psychological Association"
      You can also refer to the "APA Style Guide to Electronic References".
      APA 6th format rules and the relevant examples can be found here, here and here.
    • P".



УДК: 504+502.71

                                                                                               N. V. Maksymenko, DSc (Geography), Prof.,

                                                          Head of the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Protected Area

                                               e-mail:         ORCID ID:
                                                                                       V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
                                                                                                  Sq. Svoboda, 6, Kharkiv, 61022
Purpose. Evaluation of the nature-using conflict level in .......
MethodsField techniques, mapping, geographic analysis and synthesis.
Results. There are the results of expeditionary landscapes studies of the Nadmorsky Landscape Park (Poland), which is part of ......
Conclusions. The area of the Nadmorsky Landscape Park has an average level of conflict nature-using, indicating the relative ecological balance in the park.
KEYWORDS: landscape, landscape and environmental planning,  Nadmorski landscape Park, Carvey, Hel Peninsula
Nadmorski landscape Park (NLP) established in 1978 as one of the first landscape parks in Poland ......
1. Rudenko, L., Lisovskii, S., Marunyak, Ye. (2016).Environmental guideline in priorities of integral planning process in Ukraine. Ukrainian Geographical Journal, 2, 3-12. (In Ukrainian).
2.Maksymenko, N., Kvartenko, R. (2013). Spatial planning of the ecological network of kharkiv region on landscape basis. Scientific statements of the Belgorod state university. Series: natural sciences, 7(160), 178-186. (In Russian).

 Н. В. МАКСИМЕНКО, д-р геогр. наук, проф.

завідувачка кафедри екологічного моніторингу та заповідної справи

e-mail:         ORCID ID:

Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
майдан Свободи, 6, м. Харків, 61022, Україна
Мета.Оцінка рівня конфліктів ......
Методи.  Польовиі методи, картографічні, географічний аналіз і синтез. 
Результати. Надано результати експедиційного дослідження ландшафтів Надморського ландшафтного парку (Польща),........ 
Висновки. Територія Надморського ландшафтного парку має середній рівень конфліктів природокористування, що свідчить про відносну екологічну рівновагу на території парку.
КЛЮЧОВІ СЛОВА: ландшафт, ландшафтно-екологічне планування, Надморський ландшафтний парк, гміна Карвія, півострів Хель


Our journal does not charge any article processing or submission fees.

In accordance with the law of Ukraine , we only accept articles written in the state language (Ukrainian), English, and/or other official languages of the European Union. Articles in these languages must also include an abstract and keywords in the state language.

We do not accept submissions in languages outside of these specified categories, and therefore, no fees apply to any submissions.



Authors reserve the right of attribution for the submitted manuscript, while transferring to the Journal the right to publish the article under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This license allows free distribution of the published work under the condition of proper attribution of the original authors and the initial publication source (i.e. the Journal)

Authors have the right to enter into separate agreements for additional non-exclusive distribution of the work in the form it was published in the Journal (such as publishing the article on the institutional website or as a part of a monograph), provided the original publication in this Journal is properly referenced

The Journal allows and encourages online publication of the manuscripts (such as on personal web pages), even when such a manuscript is still under editorial consideration, since it allows for a productive scientific discussion and better citation dynamics (see The Effect of Open Access).

Privacy Statement 

Names and emails specified by users of this journal site will only be used to perform the internal technical tasks of this journal they will not be distributed and transferred to third parties



Geographical research

Research of geosystems

Environmental research

Ecological research of geosystems, formation of nature reserve fund

Protected Areas Management

Theory and practice of formation and use of protected areas

Agricultural research

Ecological research in the field of agriculture, forestry


It provides information on current events, anniversaries of eminent scientists, international scientific activity, as well as announcements and results of scientific conferences and more.


There are the results of scientific research in the field of knowledge - Natural Sciences, specialties - Earth Sciences


The results of scientific research in the field of knowledge - Natural sciences in the specialty - Ecology


Research findings in the field of knowledge - Agrarian Sciences and Food Specialties: Agronomy, Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Plant Protection and Quarantine

Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research

Geographical and environmental studies of all environment components: air, water, soils, landscapes, etc.

Anthropogenic Influence on a Natural Environment

Investigation of anthropogenic influence on all natural components of the natural environment

Medical And Environmental Studies

Articles devoted to medical and environmental problems of cities and regions


Review articles, dedication

Environmental and Geographical Education

Theoretical and practical research on the development and improvement of both ecological and geographical education

Environmental Monitoring

Monitoring components of the environment

Tools and Technologies for Environmental Research

Tools and Technologies for Environmental Research

Privacy Statement

Names and emails specified by users of this journal site will only be used to perform the internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed and transferred to third parties