The appearing of the corps of «labor attaches» in foreign policy departments of the USA and the USSR and their role in years of «cold war»

  • Л. Чернявский
Keywords: the labor attache, foreign policy of the USA, foreign policy of the USSR, trade unions, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, US State department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR


In article the question which has not found still interpretation in a historical science is considered, namely: when, under what circumstances and for what purpose in the USA in days of the Second World War, and in the USSR in second half 1950th there was appear a corps of «labor attaches». Their role in developed «cold war» is analyzed at that time


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How to Cite
Чернявский, Л. (2017). The appearing of the corps of «labor attaches» in foreign policy departments of the USA and the USSR and their role in years of «cold war». The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History, (51), 105-113. Retrieved from