SCAPS-1D Analysis of Non-Toxic Lead-Free MASnI3 Perovskite-Based Solar Cell Using Inorganic Charge Transport Layers

  • Matthew I. Amanyi Department of Physics, Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria
  • Abubakar S. Yusuf Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Eghwubare Akpoguma Nuclear Technology Center, Nigeria Atomic Energy Commision, Abuja, Nigeria
  • Stephen O. Eghaghe Department of Physics, Bingham University, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
  • James Eneye Department of Physics, Bingham University, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
  • Raymond M. Agaku Department of Physics, Benue State University, Benue State, Nigeria
  • Lilian C. Echebiri Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
  • Emmanuel U. Echebiri Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Nile University of Nigeria
  • Emmanuel O. Ameh Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
  • Chinyere I. Eririogu Department of Physics, University of Nigeria Nnsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Nicholas N. Tasie Department of Physics, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • Anthony C. Ozurumba Africa Center of Excellence in Future Energies and Electrochemical Systems, Federal Univerity of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
  • Eli Danladi Department of Physics, Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria
Keywords: Perovskite solar cell, SCAPS-1D, CH3NH3SnI3, Photovoltaic


Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have gained a lot of attention due to their high efficiency and low cost. In this research paper, a methylammonium tin iodide (CH3NH3SnI3) based solar cell was simulated using a one-dimensional solar cell capacitance simulation (SCAPS-1D) tool. The SCAPS-1D tool is based on Poisson and the semiconductor equations. After thorough investigation, the initial device presents the following parameters; power conversion efficiency (PCE)=15.315%, fill factor (FF)=64.580%, current density (Jsc)=29.152 mA/cm2, and open circuit voltage (Voc)=0.813 V. The effect of absorber and ETL thicknesses were explored systematically. The performance of the simulated device was significantly influenced by the thickness of the absorber and ETL. The optimized absorber thickness was 0.5 µm and the ETL thickness was 0.02 µm, giving rise to an optimized PCE of 15.411%, FF of 63.525%, Jsc of 29.812 mA/cm2, and Voc of 0.814 V. Additionally, the effect of temperature on the optimized device was evaluated and found that it affects the performance of the device. This model shows the prospect of CH3NH3SnI3 as a perovskite material to produce toxic-free environment-friendly solar cells with high efficiency.


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How to Cite
Amanyi, M. I., Yusuf, A. S., Akpoguma, E., Eghaghe, S. O., Eneye, J., Agaku, R. M., Echebiri, L. C., Echebiri, E. U., Ameh, E. O., Eririogu, C. I., Tasie, N. N., Ozurumba, A. C., & Danladi, E. (2024). SCAPS-1D Analysis of Non-Toxic Lead-Free MASnI3 Perovskite-Based Solar Cell Using Inorganic Charge Transport Layers. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 447-455.

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