Figurative modus of empathy in modern English-speaking discourse

  • Н.В. Таценко
Keywords: axiological modus, empathy, figurative modus, non-reflexive metaphorical conceptualization, notional modus, reification


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of EMPATHY concept as a cognitive and communicative formation; embodied by means of modern English language; using modus structuring. In particular; the notional; axiological; and figurative modi of empathy are singled out. The figurative modus is analyzed with actualization of its main components. The figurative modus is a non-reflexive metaphorical conceptualization; which is carried out by means of forming explicit and vivid representations of empathy. In its figurative image this concept is subject to the cognitive operation of reification; i.e.; it is shaped by a “naive user” of language as a physical body or physical mass. Herewith; the characteristics of the corresponding communicative action or activity rather than its procedural properties prove to be in the focus of attention; and empathy takes part in it as a physical substance.


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How to Cite
Таценко, Н. (2016). Figurative modus of empathy in modern English-speaking discourse. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (12), 108-124.