Evolutional mechanisms of cognitive semantics

  • И. С. Шевченко
Keywords: anagenesis, cladogenesis, cognitive and discursive paradigm, concept types, diachronic cognitive semantics, evolution, involution, methods for analysis


In this article I reviewed and systematized the basic mechanisms of evolutionary transformations of lexically represented concepts. On the basis of cognitive-discursive research paradigm I suggest methods and algorithm for the diachronic study of cognitive and linguocultural concepts, in particular, concepts of communicative behavior. Within the framework of historical cognitive semantics I summarize the data for diachronic variation of cognitive and linguocultural English concepts and define vectors of their transformations as evolution (anagenesis, cladogenesis), involution or a mixed type development.


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How to Cite
Шевченко, И. С. (2017). Evolutional mechanisms of cognitive semantics. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (13), 132-141. https://doi.org/10.26565/2218-2926-2016-13-07