The Art of Speech through Prism of Ecolinguistics

  • В.Г. Пасынок
Keywords: ecolinguistics, interlingual aspect, purity of language, translingual aspect, variations of norm


The article deals with two most important aspects of linguistic ecology – interlingual and translingual. The first aspect is connected with culture of speech, stylistics and rhetoric and includes analysis of violations of norms in speech – stylistic, lexical, grammatical – and their possible correction. The second aspect is studied in connection with the problems of adequacy of translation of fiction as a unity of “ecosystems” in contact of languages and cultures. Liguoecological approach allowed to study the role of language as an instrument of supporting community, functioning in certain situations of communication which are presented by pupils’ and students’ speech. Rhetorical, stylistic and aspects of culture of speech in the sphere of linguoecology have been examined from the point of view of the norm of any speech activity.


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How to Cite
Пасынок, В. (2016). The Art of Speech through Prism of Ecolinguistics. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (12), 52-61.