Artistic conceptualization and cognitive variation

  • Ж.Н. Маслова
Keywords: artistic concept, cognitive variation, conceptualization, image, language, level


It is presented cognitive approach for poetic text analysis in the article, in terms of which features of knowledge conceptualizing in artistic creation are considered. The term "artistic concept" is specified and its difference from artistic image is examined. Artistic concept as a mental unit of knowledge is characterized with the set of components. Level classification of artistic concepts is created which is based on analysis of components. It allows displaying contact between consciousness and language. Classification includes concepts which were formed at different levels of the text. There are: Sound-rhythmic concepts; Subject concepts, Process-Relative concept; Event Concept, Impression Concept, Iconic concepts. Artistic concepts form the system which determines the limit of cognitive variation. Cognitive variation makes effective artistic interpretation possible in diversity of artistic linguistic forms. In the process of conceptualizing of artistic and aesthetic experience metaphoric models, in a greater degree, organize the conceptual level, metonymical – linguistic level.


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How to Cite
Маслова, Ж. (2016). Artistic conceptualization and cognitive variation. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (12), 36-51.