Cognitive-communicative linguistics: in search of basic principles and tools of analysis

  • А.П. Мартынюк
Keywords: attention focus, cognitive-communicative linguistics, dynamic meaning construal, emotional state, encyclopaedic knowledge, immediate perceptive experience, inference prediction analysis, volitional attitudes


The article focuses on methodology and tools of the cognitive approach to the study

of communication. Its central assumption is that analysis of interpersonal communication as a cognitive process needs to be based on the theory of dynamic meaning construal but, besides the impact of encyclopaedic knowledge, it should also take into account other psychological factors that influence constructive processes – emotional, perceptive, volitional and attentional. The article offers a tool of a cognitive linguistic study of interpersonal communication, i.e. inference prediction analysis. The inference is viewed as a product of the socioculturally situated cognitive process of constructing meaning. Inference prediction analysis takes into account linguistic and non-linguistic (psychological) factors that govern construction of meaning and are objectified in verbal/non-verbal utterances of the communicants. The non-linguistic (psychological) factors accounted for in the inference prediction analysis include encyclopaedic knowledge, emotional state, immediate perceptive experience, volitional attitudes motivated by social and biological needs and the focus of attention patterns of the communicants.


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How to Cite
Мартынюк, А. (2016). Cognitive-communicative linguistics: in search of basic principles and tools of analysis. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (12), 17-35.