Cognitive and communicative properties of MODESTY (based on the English-language discourse)

  • V. A. Turchenko
Keywords: concept of communicative behavior, cognitive-communicative approach, methodology, modesty, framе structure, politeness strategy


The paper proposes a method of analysis of ethical linguocultural concept – a regulator of communicative behavior MODEST as an inseparable unity of the cognitive and communicative approaches. The method provides a base for coherent stages of analysis enabling to state lexical means of nominating the concept in English and its metaphorical actualization in discourse; to characterize conceptual, evaluative, image components of the concept and its properties as a member of the conceptual category VIRTUE; to structure the semantic space of the concept nominations; to schematize a frame structure of MODESTY; to describe the implementation of MODESTY in politeness strategies and tactics of Victorian discourse.


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How to Cite
Turchenko, V. A. (2018). Cognitive and communicative properties of MODESTY (based on the English-language discourse). Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (8), 131-141.