Methodology of explicating archetypes embodied in American poetic texts

  • L. I. Bieliekhova
Keywords: archetype, collective unconscious, cognitive operation, verbal poetic image, mechanism of formation, interpretive strategies, hidden senses


This article presents systematization of scientific views on the notions of archetype as collective unconscious and archetypal verbal image as textual construal, which results in differentiation of psychological and cultural archetypes, and in compiling their catalogue. The methodology of explicating archetypes embodied in poetic texts, elaborated in the framework of cognitive and discourse paradigm of linguistics, consists of the sequence of cognitive operations intended on revealing the mechanisms of formation of archetypal verbal poetic images in American poetic discourse and establishing a set of interpretative strategies of their functioning in a poetic text, which ensure elucidation of its novel and hidden senses.


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How to Cite
Bieliekhova, L. I. (2018). Methodology of explicating archetypes embodied in American poetic texts. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (9), 8-32.