Metamorphosis in Poetic Texts of the English Poetry of the 19–20th Centuries: Linguistic, Semiotic and Cognitive Perspective

  • O. A. Moskvichova
Keywords: cause, cognitive and semiotic metamorphosis model, metamorphosis, metamorphosis predicates, the transformable, the transformed


The article revealed linguosemiotic and linguocognitive properties of metamorphosis formation and functioning in the 19–20,h centuries English poetic texts on the basis of an integrated approach. I have revealed that the metamorphosis as a trope is syntactic-and-stylistic figure, with the helps conversion of the transformable into the transformed with a mandatory explication of the reasons for the change – its cause – and metamorphosis predicates which embody the idea of conversion, transformation, rebirth. The semiotic metamorphosis character is revealed by analyzing different codes represented in its verbal signs, and its cognitive character by reconstruction of the metamorphosis conceptual space. I have proved that the metamorphosis conceptual space consists of concepts, conceptual metaphors and metonymies. A comprehensive analysis of the functioning of the metamorphosis in the 19–20th centuries English poetic texts revealed text-forming, appellative, world- forming, space-forming, semiotic metamorphosis functions


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How to Cite
Moskvichova, O. A. (2018). Metamorphosis in Poetic Texts of the English Poetry of the 19–20th Centuries: Linguistic, Semiotic and Cognitive Perspective. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (11), 87-108.