English Identity as Linguocultural Phenomenon: Cognitive-Discursive Aspect

  • O. P. Matuzkova
Keywords: cognitive-discursive approach, English identity, English identity discourse, identity, interdisciplinary category, linguocultural hyperconcept, linguocultural identity


The work formulates research methodology of collective identity as linguocultural phenomenon thus advancing a new holistic theory of linguocultural collective identity as a cognitive-discursive result of society reflection. The thesis singles out chronological periods of identity conceptual evolution, describes the major interdisciplinary scientific-methodological approaches to identity, builds a model of identity systemic and structural organization and suggests a basic definition of identity as an interdisciplinary category. It also outlines leading interdisciplinary linguistic approaches to identity – communicative-functional, cognitive-linguistic and cognitive-discursive; defines individual and collective linguocultural identities; constructs linguocultural hyperconcept ENGLISH IDENTITY as a model for cognitive-discursive description of any ethnic-cultural collective identity and typifies the discourse of English identity in which this hyperconcept is verbalized. The research proves that modern English identity is not a national or ethnic construct, but first and foremost linguocultural , based on the system of dominant key values: courtesy, domesticity, fair play, liberty, moderation and humour.


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How to Cite
Matuzkova, O. P. (2018). English Identity as Linguocultural Phenomenon: Cognitive-Discursive Aspect. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (11), 68-86. https://doi.org/10.26565/2218-2926-2015-11-06