Synergy of the flow of thinking
In the paper on the basis of a hypothetical method grounded on a number of assumptions, the authors advance a new theoretical-and-methodological construct allowing a scientific consideration of the problem of the individual’s thinking self-development. The presentation of this construct is carried out with the use of verbal and graphical scientific tools, which, within the framework of classical maxims of similarity theory, make it possible to model the most important phenomena and mechanisms of their realization in the flow of thinking, viewed as a complex stochastically self-developing cognitive-and-synergetic system. The paper substantiates the elementary two-dimensional and spatial models of the self-development of human’s flow of thinking, which, according to the criterion of dominance of the fractal actualization results of its attractor-structures’ self-development, allowed the authors to single out four basic types of thinking: existential, mental, transcendental and logical ones, occurring in the corresponding spheres of a person’s spiritual life. The paper also offers the energy models for qualitative and quantitative analyses of the synergism of speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-acting processes advanced by the authors on the basis of methods and criteria of synergetic estimation, as well as the methodology for their practical application.
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