Yakov Yakovych Belen de Ballu (1753–1815) – professor of Kharkiv University, first librarian of the university library.

Keywords: Belen de Ballu, University, librarian, Library


Purpose. To trace the life and creative path of Ya. Ya. Belin de Ballu (1753–1815), a writer, translator, professor of the department of classical philology and at the same time the first librarian of the newly established Imperial Kharkiv University; to publicize the portrait of Ya. Ya. Belin de Ballu, which was found in 2023 almost 220 years after the scientist worked at Kharkiv University.

Research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematicity.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the most complete information about Ya. Ya. Belin de Ballu, which is reflected in domestic and international sources, has been collected; a portrait of a scientist presented to the scientific community for the first time.

Conclusions. Ya. Ya. Belin de Ballu is one of the organizers of Kharkiv University and its library, one of the first professors and the first librarian of the university library. Among his many services to the university and the library is that he compiled and published a catalog of Greek manuscripts from the 12th to 18th centuries, which are kept in the university library, and compiled a Latin anthology that was published in the university printing house.


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Balen de Ballu Ja. Ja. Chrestomathia Poetica sive Eclogae Poetarum Latinirum in Usum Studiosae Juventutis Rossicae : ex decreto Caesarearae Universitatis Charcovianae: Curavit, notulisqus illustravit : en 2 p. Charcoviae : Typis Universitatis, 1809. Pt. 1. 364 p. ; Pt. 2. 339 p.

Balen de Ballu Ja. Ja. Notitia et descriptio aliquot codicum manuscriptorum, qui reperiuntur in bibliotheca universitatis imperialis, quae Charcoviae floret. Conspectus praelectionum a 17 aug. 1807 ad 30 junii 1808 anni in Caesarea universitate Charcoviensi publice hadenarum. Charcoviae : Тypis univer-statis, 1807. P. III–X.

Balen de Ballu Ja. Ja. Que l’on doit se prepares par l’etude des sciences au maniment des Armes, et allier la Philosophie á l’art des combats. Речи, говоренные в торжественном собрании 17 января 1805 года при открытии Императорского Харьковского университета. Харьков, 1806. С. 28–34.

Belin de Ballu Ja. N. Histoire de la dame invisible ou mémoires pour servir à l’étude du coeur humain. Рaris : Devaux, 1803.

Belin de Ballu Ja. N. Mémoires et voyages d’un émigré : en 3 t. Рaris : FID.C, 1801. T. 1. 335 p. ; T. 2. 280 p. ; T. 3. 279 p.

Belin de Ballu Ja. N. Le Prêtre, par un Dr. De Sorbonne. Рaris : Locard fils, 1802.

Clos M. le D. L'Helléniste Belin de Ballu, créateur du Jardin botanique de Sorèze (Tarn). Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. 1905. Vol. 52, No. 7. P. 502–505.

Gerhardt O. V. Christian Friedrish Matthaei und seine Sammlung griechischer Handschriften. Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 1898. B. 15 (Dec.). S. 538–566.

S. 558: у примітках про Я. Я. Белена де Баллю подається точна дата його народження: 28.02.1753.

Procès-verbaux de la Commission temporaire des arts. Т. 2. 5 nivose an III – 5 nivose an IV / publ. et annot. par M. Louis Tuetey. Paris : Impremerie Nationale, 1917. 658 s.
How to Cite
Глибицька, С., Bobrova, M., & Fedorenko, V. (2024). Yakov Yakovych Belen de Ballu (1753–1815) – professor of Kharkiv University, first librarian of the university library . V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 38, 168-174. https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-6505-2024-38-16