Beekeeping as an element of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine: custom «wathching the bees»
The formation of the National List of Elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine requires a detailed study and popularization of ethnocultural features of the objects included in it, in particular Polissia beekeeping, the traditions of which date back to the times of Kyiv Rus. Beekeeping has accumulated a rich production experience, worldview, folk knowledge, specific tools and devices that play an important role in the system of monuments of Ukraine, in the construction of museum exhibitions.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the production experience of beekeepers based on field expedition materials collected in different areas of the Right Bank of Ukrainian Polissia, in particular to clarify the calendar markers of «watching the bees», which is the result of annual work of beekeepers. The realization of the formulated goal involves solving the following tasks: highlighting the essence of the concept of «watching the bees»; disclosure of terms of selection of honey from boards and log beehives and their change in modern conditions; identification of the main markers of bee sighting, related to the holiday-ritual and agricultural calendar, the development of honeybees and the stages of life of bees. The object of research is beekeeping – as a form of forest and domestic beekeeping. The subject of the research is the calendar regulation and methods of selecting honey from the sides and log hives.
The methodological basis of the study were the principles of historicity, objectivity, system, complexity; monument, museum and historical research methods (analysis and synthesis, typological, comparative-historical). The ethnological method of research is used – collection of field materials according to the author's program-questionnaire; information was collected using the cluster method of research. Field materials are given, which illustrate the main provisions of the article. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time in the Ukrainian monumental, museum and ethnological literature the ethnocultural features of the beekeeping custom of «watching the bees» and its calendar regulation are covered. Used field materials collected by the author in different villages of the Right Bank Ukrainian Polissia are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time in the Ukrainian monumental, museum and ethnological literature the ethnocultural features of the beekeeping custom of «watching the bees» and its calendar regulation are covered. Used field materials collected by the author in different villages of the Right Bank Ukrainian Polissia are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
In conclusion, the article notes that the «watching the bees» is based on customary ritual norms, folk knowledge and worldviews associated with the final stage of the annual work of the beekeeper – collecting honey. It is noted that the calendar terms of this production process determined the following markers: calendar holidays (Savior, Assumption, Immaculate Conception, and Intercession), agricultural calendar (harvest, digging potatoes), honeydew development (heather flowering) and stages of biological development of bees (completion of redness), preparation for winter). It is noted that the spread of domestic beekeeping and socio-economic processes of recent decades, which have led to a decrease in honeybees, external influences on bees (poisoning), the spread of diseases and as a result of a significant reduction in honey yields, have a significant impact on terms of «watching the bees».
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