Foundation Kharkiv Medical-Mechanical Institute early twentieth century

  • Ірина Шандра Харківська державна академія культури
Keywords: Medical-Mechanical Institute, the Congress of South Miners, K. F. Wegner, Institute Academy of Medical of Spine and Joint them. prof. M. I. Sytenka



One of the leading trauma centers and orthopedic medicine in Ukraine is the Institute of Spine and Joint them. prof. M. I. Sytenka Academy of Medical NAMS of Ukraine, which was founded at the beginning of the last century called Medical-Mechanical Institute (1907). The initiative of its foundation belongs representative business organization Southern economic region in Southern Russia Congress of Miners (Kharkiv city) and its head Nikolai Fedorovich von Ditmar.

The purpose of article are the analysis of the creating process, the main activities and the targets of Medical-Mechanical Institute.

The research methodology is based on the system of principles (scientism, objectivism and historicism) and the scientific methods. The use of general scientific (analytical, synthetic, systemic) and special-historical (historical-typological, historical-comparative, chronological) methods allowed to analyze the worldwide experience of these institutions founding, to select the features of the Medical-Mechanical Institute.

Results. Due to the high level of traumatism mining and factory work before business corporation faced the task of ensuring workers' professional level treatment and determine the degree of disability. The Institute was organized on the model of similar health care institutions in Germany.

Novelty of research. Article shows that the just a few years the Institute was equipped with everything needed to perform complex surgical and posttraumatic the first two years of maintaining mechanical Medical Congresses Miners Institute of Southern Russia spent over 100 000 rub.; annual maintenance of the Institute ranged from 40 thousand Russian money in the 19141915 biennium 80 000 rub. in 19121913. Led by this medical institution talented organizer and scientist Dr. Carl F. Wegner. It was highlighted that doctors Medical Institute mechanical maintained professional relationships with German and domestic medical institutions, fruitful and close cooperation established with the medical faculty of Kharkov University.

Conclusions. Pretty soon Kharkov Medical and Mechanical Institute became a leading center of traumatology and implementation of entrepreneurs other social projects. Modern Institute of Spine and Joint them. prof. M. I. Sytenka is a worthy successor Academy of Medical Medical Mechanical Institute, health care, where honor the memory of its founders retain tradition and keep up to date with innovations.

necessary action. During the


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How to Cite
Шандра, І. (2021). Foundation Kharkiv Medical-Mechanical Institute early twentieth century. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 31, 101-108.