The Bulgarian family in South Bessarabia during the first half of XIX century: a model of ethnodemographic development

  • Олександр Ганчев Одеська національна академія зв'язку імені О.С. Попова
Keywords: a family, adaptation, a nuclear family, a household, intra - family relations, marriage, sex, statistical data.


Problems and sequential process of Bulgarian families’ adaptation to new conditions in South Bessarabia are considered in the research. During the resettlement, Bulgarian migrants brought their traditional relationship, elements of social organization and family’s structure to Bessarabia which were distinctive to the migrants’ original areas.

The aim of the research is the ascertainment of main trends in evolution of Bulgarian families’ forms, structure and elements in daily life in South Bessarabia together with monitoring modifications which were inherent its intergenerational interaction and ancestral relations during the first half of XIX century.

Methodological basis for the research is principles of historicism, systems and interdisciplinarity coupled with historically comparative and micro-historical methods.

Scientific novelty of the research related to broad reconstruction of Bulgarian families’ qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and also to identification of specific historically-demographic and developing processes based on analysis of the massive historical sources from the moment the resettlement commenced till the middle of XIX century.

While analyzing the data a 15-year period (1835–1850) in the first half of XIX century was established for family’s development and its rising size in South Bessarabia. This fact influenced on population growth in Bulgarian colonies up to 72,1 %. Possible forms of family relations are given together with possibly the most optimal complicated undivided family. Statistic data on quantity of men and women is also given in percentage terms, together with age difference between partners and low divorce rates. Bulgarian family appeared rather resistant social micro-structure under the circumstances of South Bessarabia.

Conclusions: based on definite number of indicators, the author concluded that the Bulgarians brought inherent marriage traditions, demographic behavior and adaptive mechanisms to their family institution. Those exact mechanisms under the influence of legislative, administrative, socio-economic and natural factors led to the formation of a new model of demographic behavior.


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How to Cite
Ганчев, О. (2020). The Bulgarian family in South Bessarabia during the first half of XIX century: a model of ethnodemographic development. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 30, 6-15.