Coronation of Danylo Romanovich: Debatable Questions of Historiography

  • Тарас Чугуй Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: historiography, coronation, Danylo Romanovich, Roman pope Innocent IV, interstate relations.


The paper analyses pressing questions of the historiography of Danylo Romanovich’s coronation in the middle of the XIII century. Debatable questions connected with defining the causes and prehistory of the coronation, with clearing the time and place of the coronation process, the character of relations between the Catholic church and Danylo Romanovich before and after the coronation are considered. The paper reveals the role of mongol-tatar factor in the interstate relations between Rus’ and European leaders. The circumstances of appearing the legend about the “double coronation” are clarified. The hypothesis about the coronation of Danylo Romanovich by emperor of Saint Rome empire is analyses. The paper has presented the conclusions of historians about the coronation role in the history of the Romanoviches’ struggle for the independent status of their possessions. All this is important for proper understanding the history of Galich-Volyn Rus’.



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How to Cite
Чугуй, Т. (2018). Coronation of Danylo Romanovich: Debatable Questions of Historiography. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 25, 6-18. Retrieved from