The Analysis of the Interpretation and the Essence of Green Logistics

  • Nadezhda Melnikova Kharkiv National University construction and architecture 40, Sumskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
  • Nataliya Yanchenko Kharkiv National University construction and architecture 40, Sumskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Keywords: Green Logistics, Logistics of Recycling, Logistics of Waste, Logistics of Return Flows of Goods, Reverse Material Flow, Secondary Raw Materials, Waste of Production and Consumption


The article is devoted to the analysis of various interpretations of green logistics, which are similar in content and do not contradict each other, but only reflect the point of view of various experts on the same problem: recycling logistics, secondary management logistics of an enterprise, recycling logistics, waste logistics, reverse flow logistics, reverse logistics, eco-logistics, reverse supply chain management, return flow management. The lack of terminological unity makes it necessary to create a classification with regard to different definitions related to the interpretation of this concept in modern approaches to the interpretation of green logistics. The analysis of the various interpretations of green logistics found that in green logistics it is necessary to distinguish two functional areas: logistics of return flows of goods and logistics of waste (logistics of recycling).The purpose of the article is to analyze the interpretation of green logistics and to examine the essence of green logistics for solving management control problems, analyzing and effectively managing the movement of returned, damaged, expired and used goods, production and consumption waste, which starts from the point of their formation to the point of disposal or recycling reduce production waste and costs from returning goods.The objectives of the study are to create a classification of various definitions related to the interpretation of green logistics and the study of the main goal, objectives, functions and principles of green logistics.This research is conducting in the field of green logistics is very important for the conditions of Ukraine, since it is our country that is among the states with the most relative and absolute indicators of waste generation and accumulation. Therefore, the essence of green logistics considering at the micro level, it should be noted that green logistics is associated with the effective management of the flow of returned, damaged, expired and used goods, production and consumption waste both in the forward direction and in the opposite direction and will improve the results of enterprises for expense of saving material resources and reducing the expenditure indicators of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Melnikova, N., & Yanchenko, N. (2019). The Analysis of the Interpretation and the Essence of Green Logistics. Social Economics, 56, 183-189.