Partial cloacking of complex form objects with radioabsorbing materials
In this paper, a method of partial cloaking of complex-shaped radar objects is proposed. A numerical simulation of the measurement of the radar cross section (RCS) of an object using the decomposition method is carried out. Within the framework of this method, the object is divided into elements and in the near field zone the object is irradiated by antenna element-by-element, then the reflection from each element is summed. The most significantly reflecting areas of the object surface are revealed. The possibility of reducing the RCS of such elements of the object surface is considered, while cloaking the surface areas of the object with the help of radio-absorbing materials (RAM) is carried out. The influence of such events on the average RCS of the entire facility was analyzed, the optimum part of the surface of the object, which should thus be masked, and the required level of reduction of the reflected signal (in fact, the quality of the used RAM) were detected.
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