Experimental investigation of dynamic spectral filtration of optical images using an acousto-optic processor

  • Л. Ф. Купченко
  • В. Д. Карлов
  • О. А. Гурин
  • А. С. Рыбьяк
  • Н. В. Слабунова
Keywords: dynamic spectral filtration, acousto-optical filtration of images


The process of controlled dynamic spectral filtration of optical images characterized by different spectral properties is studied experimentally. The hardware function of the acousto-optic processor was formed on the basis of a priori information about the spectral properties of object and background in a way to provide the suppression of spectral components of optical radiation background. As the sources of optical radiation three semiconductor lasers operating in the red, green and blue spectral regions were used. As the elements imitating the geometric and spectral properties of the reflecting surfaces of the object and background, test pattern and absorption filters were used. Quantitative estimation of the spectral images filtration of object and background was carried out using the amplitude-spatial characteristics at the output of the spatial photodetector.


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How to Cite
Купченко, Л. Ф., Карлов, В. Д., Гурин, О. А., Рыбьяк, А. С., & Слабунова, Н. В. (2018). Experimental investigation of dynamic spectral filtration of optical images using an acousto-optic processor. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (26), 58-65. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/radiophysics/article/view/10178