• Юлія Красілова Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogics of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv.
Keywords: deviant behavior, adolescence, combatant stressful situation, prevention of deviations


The article highlights the features of deviant behavior among adolescents whose parents are combatants.
The work deals with the inflence of age-juvenile behavior in stressful situations. The approaches to the defiition of «deviant behavior», the features of deviant behavior and characteristics of the types of adolescent deviant.
The peculiarities of children relationships with parents who are combatants, namely: the diffiulties in communicating with father, who returned from the war, who needs psychological rehabilitation, as he can adapt to a peaceful and quiet life, not at war. Also it’s diffiult to communicate for a teenager with mother who is constantly busy in solving domestic issues and does not have the time for children’s education and ignores the psychological state of child’s problems and on the contrary, can transfer anxiety to children, who are already under stress. If the family does not take into account the needs and abilities of a teenager, as a result it will be hard to overcome learning diffiulties and communication and he will slowly acquires social experience that can lead to deviant behavior.
The experience of foreign countries (Israel and the US) to work with military features and providing them with social and psychological rehabilitation.
The program, which provides prevention of deviant behavior among adolescents whose parents are combatants. The program involves the formation assertive behavior, goal-setting and function prediction.


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How to Cite
Красілова, Ю. (2018). DEVIATIONS PREVENTION IN ADOLESCENTS WHOSE PARENTS ARE COMBATANTS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. A Series of «Psychology», (63), 54-57. Retrieved from