Keywords: artificial intelligence, ethics, morality, truth, human


Ethical and legal issues related to contemporary technologies, the development, and application of artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming increasingly relevant. The article examines the problem of AI morality, particularly in the context of the ethics of truth. It is noted that legal and ethical discussions usually take place within the established moral framework, the Christian-modern ethos, which reconciles the relationship between the nation-state and the capitalist economy in the figure of a moral or conscious subject. Solving the problem of AI morality is situated within the context of imperative, normative, utilitarian, sentiocentric, and discursive ethics, which should create a perspective for a certain general or global ethics. Several lines of problematization of the morality of AI in the contemporary world are defined: the machine as a moral subject, moral epistemology, morality of the subject-programmer, and moral instrumentalism/utilitarianism. However, the ethics of truths proposed by A. Badiou creates a new ethical perspective for human interaction with AI. The problem of AI morality and the prospects for its development must take into account the important dimension of the unconscious in the context of the potential analytical interaction of social actors, which include humans and AI, as well as the understanding of the eventfulness of truth, which involves the formation of subjectivity in accordance with truth. AI, like humans, should be revealed in the perspective of correspondence to the truth, the ability to distinguish the truth from its simulacra. Such an ethics can be effective, as it corresponds to the possibility of producing truths, to which not only a human being but also a post-human machine can approach in one way or another. It is at their intersection that the subject of the new ethics of truths should be formed.


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Author Biography

Veronica Khrabrova, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD Student, Faculty of Philosophy

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

4, Maidan Svobody, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Khrabrova, V. (2024). MORALITY OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ETHICS OF TRUTHS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (70), 150-156.