Keywords: metamodernism, corpus linguistics, quantitative approach, radical empiricism, materialism


The article presents an interdisciplinary socio-philosophical study exploring the potential interconnection between corpus-based philosophy (i.e., philosophy using corpus linguistics) and metamodernism. The research uses corpus linguistics to analyze large amounts of text to identify language patterns that reflect social practices and cultural ideas. A key hypothesis is that corpus-based philosophy aligns with the methodological requirements of metamodernism by integrating both quantitative (modern) and qualitative (postmodern) approaches to knowledge.
Metamodernism is characterized by a synthesis of or an oscillation between modernist confidence and postmodernist skepticism, a belief in scientific and technological progress, and an understanding of the necessity for multiple interpretations and life-worlds. Metamodernism involves the activation of historical and epistemological optimism of modernism combined with postmodern self-criticism, aimed at creating a more resilient and equitable society. The article also discusses the concept of post(non/pre)modernism by Ukrainian philosopher Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Mamaluy, who anticipated some aspects of metamodernist theory, particularly the integration of modern and postmodern principles to address global crises.
The study shows that applying corpus linguistics to philosophy enables the development of well-supported conclusions and reduces subjective bias in interpretations, which is essential for contemporary philosophical and social thinking. The corpus-based philosophy project developed in the article aligns with metamodernist logic, as it entails the methodological integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches, along with socio-political and axiological orientation.
Overall, the research confirms that corpus-based philosophy can be a significant tool within the context of metamodernism, fostering the development of new philosophical and social concepts that can adequately respond to contemporary polycrisis (ecological, geopolitical, economical, etc.).


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Author Biography

Illia Ilin , V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor

Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy named after Prof. J. B. Schad

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

61000, Kharkiv, Svobody sq., 4


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How to Cite
Ilin , I. (2024). CORPUS-BASED PHILOSOPHY AND METAMODERNISM: A HAPPY ENCOUNTER?. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (70), 48-72.