Keywords: non-academic education, academic education, phenomenon, learning process


In the article the necessity of the definition of non-academic education as an unusual phenomenon of the modern educational world is considered. Requests for lifelong learning are becoming more and more relevant and reflect not only the need but also the reflection of the country’s stability, because education is a mainstay of the social, professional and social sectors. A specialist can meet the fast-moving demands of the labor-market only when he is able to continuously study and optimally use the accumulated educational capital. In the education system, there should be opportunities for unforeseen education, which must meet the newest needs of the economy. Life-long learning becomes a necessary and increasingly important element of contemporary educational systems, where non-academic education is increasingly playing a role, in most cases, through self-education of citizens. Non-academic education is determined by the organization of systematic studies of the nature of modern knowledge as a specific type of philosophical reflection, which can be defined by the categories of activities in education. It implies improving the quality of the professional training of those who are studying on the basis of the widespread use of information and communication technologies, the formation of their skills and skills in electronic simulation. Formed effective stereotypes of thinking and behaviour require an understanding of the essence of education and bringing it to an appropriate effective template that is adapted to the educational field. The development of non-academic knowledge, unlike academic, takes place at the personal level and forms the need for the personality to be realized in public life, raising the level of mass consciousness, transforming abstract knowledge into practical. It relates to those curricula that are outside the academic formal education system. That is, non-academic education is independent of state programs of education, helping a person in a short time to translate a dream into a professional plane.


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Author Biography

Galina V. Zhukova, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University; 9, Pirogov str., 02000, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Preschool Education


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How to Cite
Zhukova, G. V. (2019). CURRENT PROBLEMS OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (60), 91-96.