Problems of modern interpretation of H. C. Andersen’s literary heritage

  • Інга Іванівна Капустян Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка
Keywords: H. K. Andersen, interpretation, individual author’s style, the inner "I" narrative reflection of the author


This article is dedicated to the study of interpretation of H. C. Andersen in Scandinavian scientific and critical discourseat the beginning of  twentieth century. The article deals with the critical and scientific works of literary critics, philosophers and writers. The critics focused on the author’s manner of  the creation of artistic images, his authentic simplicity and comprehensiveness of his individual style. The notion of interpretation was considered in the traditional sense and on the account of   contemporary literary process, which includes leading literary critics of Scandinavian countries. Particular attention is paid to the writer's translation into other languages (English, Eastern Slavic, etc.).


Author Biography

Інга Іванівна Капустян, Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської та німецької філології


1. Bille and Nikolaj Bøgh: Breve fra H. C. Andersen (Letters From Hans Christian Andersen), vol. 2, Copenhagen 1878, pp. 121ff) С. Біллі і Nikolaj: .. Breve Від Х. С. Андерсен (Листи з Андерсена), том 2, Copenhagen 1878, с. 121 ff.

2. Elias Bredsdorff: H. C. Andersen og Georg Brandes, Aschehoug, Copenhagen 1994.

3. Fodreise / fra Holmens Canal til Østpynten af Amager / i Aarene 1828 og 1829. – Udgiven af H. C. Andersen. – Kjøbenhavn. Paa Forfatterens Forlag. – Nr. 4. Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, 1. Bind, 1829, 169ff. af J. L. Heiberg. 1829.

4. M.A. Goldschmidt in Nord og Syd, vol. 5, 1849, p. 72-92; Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. Første Samling. Tredie Hefte (1837) in vol. 6 of Hans Christian Andersens Eventyr, Det danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab / C. A. Reitzels Forlag, Copenhagen 1990, p. 133.

5. Grønbech, Bo: "Why Study Hans Christian Andersen?", pp. 131-37 i Johan de Mylius, Aage Jørgensen & Viggo Hjørnager Pedersen (red.): Andersen og Verden. Indlæg fra den første internationale H. C. Andersen-konference, 25.-31. august 1991. Udgivet af H. C. Andersen-Centret, Odense Universitet. Odense Universitetsforlag, Odense 1993.

6. Johan Ludvig Heiberg: Poetiske Skrifter, ed. By Carl S. Petersen, Copenhagen 1932, pp. 63f], (електронний ресурс, режим доступу:

7. Niels Jørgen Cappelørn et. al. (eds.): Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter (The Writings of Søren Kierkegaard), Vol. 1, Søren Kierkegaard Forskningscenteret and G.E.C. Gad, Copenhagen 1997, pp. 30f, р. 45.

8. “Nogle Bemærkninger med Hensyn til Digteren H. C. Andersens Poesie“], електронний ресурс, режим доступу

9. The Andersen-Scudder Letters. Hans Christian Andersen's Correspondence with Horace Elisha Scudder. Edited, with Translations and Explanatory Notes, by WALDEMAR WESTERGAARD. With an Introduction by JEAN HERSHOLT and an Interpretative Essay by HELGE TOPSÖE-JENSEN. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. xxxiv, 181 pp

10. The Complete Andersen. All of the 168 Stories by Hans Christian Andersen translated by JEAN HERSHOLT The Heritage Press, New York. xxii, 298, 446, 430, xlvii pp.
How to Cite
Капустян, І. І. (2017). Problems of modern interpretation of H. C. Andersen’s literary heritage. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (76), 60-63. Retrieved from
The problem of studying an artistic work through the prism of the interaction of text and context