The main features of Ukrainian speech etiquette

  • Дар'я Сергіївна Жук (Лаврик) Сумський державний університет
Keywords: the etiquette, the speech etiquette, language picture of the world, lingual culture, lingual cultural maternal code


This article discovers peculiarities of Ukrainian speech etiquette, deals with the term «speech etiquette» and different ways of it nomination by scientists. The existence of interdependence between the speech etiquette units with mentality of Ukrainian people was uncovered. This paper focuses on lingual cultural maternal code as a dominant thing for Ukrainian nation. Using poetic works for children the author singled out the most widespread etiquette units in speech of Ukrainians. There was analyzed the language means, maximally describing the notion «lingual cultural maternal code».



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Author Biography

Дар'я Сергіївна Жук (Лаврик), Сумський державний університет
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How to Cite
Жук (Лаврик), Д. С. (1). The main features of Ukrainian speech etiquette. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (74), 196-199. Retrieved from
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