Aspects of Bilingualism
bilingualism, bilingual, language competence, language interference, dominant language
The paper in question presents the analysis of the bilingualism aspects. In the course of this study the main characteristics of the given phenomenon are considered taking into account the various forms of its existence, the ways and objective laws of the bilingualism development as well as its types. It is concluded that the given characteristics depend on the following parameters: the level of each language mastering, the language competence of the bilingual, the environment of the language acquisition, the degree of the languages autonomy, and the functions of each communication means.
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6. Ferguson C. A. Diglossia / C. A. Ferguson // Word. — 1959. — No 15. — P. 325–340.
7. Penfield W. A Consideration of the Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Speech and Some Educational Consequences / W. Penfield // Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. — 1953. — V. 82, No 5. — P. 201–214.
8. Weinreich U. Languages in Contact / U. Weinreich. — The Hague : Mouton, 1953. — 149 p.
How to Cite
Крапива, Ю. В. (1). Aspects of Bilingualism. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (73), 20-22. Retrieved from
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