Communicative tactics of self-presentation of the addresser in Lesya Ukrainka's epistolary discourse

Keywords: epistolary discourse, correspondence, communicative tactics, self-presentation, addresser


The article examines the communicative tactics of the addresser's self-presentation in Lesya Ukrainka's epistolary discourse. The study of letters belonging to one and the same linguistic personality, in the unity of linguistic and extralinguistic factors of text creation, makes it possible not only to learn about the facts of the biography of the author of the letters, but also to penetrate into the work of thinking, the mechanisms of communicative activity. This is the reason for the relevance of this investigation.

The purpose of the article is the analysis of communicative tactics that implement the general communicative strategy of self-presentation in Lesya Ukrainka's epistolary discourse.

The main tactics are: 1) self-characterization, in which the author of the letters describes her appearance, character, intellectual properties, physical and emotional state; 2) characteristics provided by other people, real or imagined; 3) comparison herself with other people; 4) comparison of different hypostases of one's personality; 5) self-identification by national identity; 6) self-identification through social and professional status; 7) self-identification through social and family ties; 8) self-nomination in the signature as a component of the end of the letter; 9) evaluation of one's own communicative activity; 10) formulation of own life principles; 11) description of her lifestyle, daily activities, household chores; 12) philosophical understanding of one's existence.

Thus, Lesya Ukrainka uses various communicative tactics of self-presentation in her letters to various persons. These tactics form pragmatic, semantic[1]structural and linguo-stylistic integrity within the framework of a single communicative strategy. The self-presentation of the author of the letters reflects her linguistic personality as a communicatively active, reflective, self-ironic, self-critical person who needs communication and self-realization in the field of literary creativity. The prospects for further research are linked to the analysis of the selection of communicative tactics depending on the specifics of the addresser and other extralinguistic factors.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Diachok, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics

Olena Kuvarova, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics


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How to Cite
Diachok, N., & Kuvarova, O. (2023). Communicative tactics of self-presentation of the addresser in Lesya Ukrainka’s epistolary discourse. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (92), 70-77.