The functioning of youth discourse in the sphere of Internet communications

  • Надія Анатоліївна Потреба Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of State Higher Educational Establishment "Donbas State Pedagogical University" (24, Vasiliy Pershyn str., Bakhmut, 84511, Ukraine)
Keywords: text, French language, youth discourse, blog, social networks, computer discourse, Internet communications


In the context of discourse theory, the computer discourse occupies a special place. The computer discourse can be regarded as a linguistic category that combines the signs of personality-oriented and status-oriented discourse. Computer discourse explores the peculiarities of the communicative environment, including the way communication and characteristics of the communicants.

The article deals with the functioning of youth discourse in the sphere of Internet communications. The evolution of the French language is taking place under the influence of social networks. Rapid development of Internet technologies means that, the neutralization of oral and written speech, the mixing of spontaneous and prepared speech, the processes of word-formation are actively taking place in the computer discourse. The youth discourse of Internet communications is the most open system in the modern French language and its vocabulary is constantly enlarging. The individuality of the user manifests itself in francophone youth blogs. There is a particular interest about blogs of French youth. Wealthy, stylistically marked language of teens differs from a standard variety of the French language with its own exceptional set of vocabulary words. Communication used in youth blogs has its own distinctiveness. While analyzing the lexical-semantic peculiarities of French young people blogs, a lot of jargon, slang words, expressions, conversions, and abbreviations can be observed. Language used in friendly emails is mostly popular among youth. Since there are no strict rules in French social media services, the breaking of orthographical and grammatical rules of the language can be observed.


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Author Biography

Надія Анатоліївна Потреба, Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of State Higher Educational Establishment "Donbas State Pedagogical University" (24, Vasiliy Pershyn str., Bakhmut, 84511, Ukraine)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of  languages



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How to Cite
Потреба, Н. А. (2019). The functioning of youth discourse in the sphere of Internet communications. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (79), 206-211.
Cognitive-discursive aspects of language study