The essence of art technology of conducting

  • І. М. Коржавих
  • Л. В. Юришева
Keywords: conducting, conducting technology, non-verbal behavior, emotions, the art of conducting


In the article the author revealed the essence of the concept of "directed" as a process of artistic communication conductor with performers. The authors analyzed the nonverbal behavior conductor in the performance of a musical work, which expresses the inner emotional and mental state of a conductor, its relation to the content of the musical work and the quality of the actual sound; transmit that information to performers and listeners with hands, facial expressions, attitudes, movements of the case; has the ability to reflect the characteristics interpretative model of the artist and his personal qualities.


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How to Cite
Коржавих, І. М., & Юришева, Л. В. (2017). The essence of art technology of conducting. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (39), 106-111. Retrieved from