Historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the development of academic giftedness in the People`s Republic of China

Keywords: academic giftedness, personality, PRC, historical and pedagogical prerequisites, examination system, Confucian philosophy, education reforms, teaching methods, programs for gifted children, centres for gifted children


Results of the research. The historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the development of academic giftedness in the People’s Republic of China can be conditionally divided into the following stages:
1. Ancient China (before 1911): the emergence of a system of examinations for civil service, which stimulated the development of education and the identification of gifted people; the development of Confucian philosophy, which emphasized the importance of education and self-improvement; creation of the first schools and academies for gifted children.

2. The Republican period (1911-1949): reforming the educational system, starting new types of schools and universities; introduction of new methods of education and training aimed at the development of creative thinking and independence; creation of the first programs for gifted children.
3. Modern period (since 1949): expansion of the network of schools for gifted children; development and implementation of new programs and methods of development of academic talent; creation of centers and institutes to support gifted children.


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How to Cite
Huang Tiwen. (2023). Historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the development of academic giftedness in the People`s Republic of China. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (53), 64-71. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pedagogy/article/view/23591