Historical context of leading trends of development of organizational and pedagogical foundations of methodical work in preschool educational establishments of Ukraine
In the article reflects the results of historiographical analysis of organizational and pedagogical foundations of methodical work in preschool educational establishments of Ukraine during of 1984 to 1990. Proved that in this period in preschool education establishments there was a theoretical and creative reinterpretation of the reorganization of the foundations of methodical work. Кey positions in updating of methodical work were humanizing and democratization of forms and methods of work with pedagogical shots. The study of practical activity of child’s institutions convinced, that in the studied period was used as traditional forms of organization of methodical work (teaching tips, seminars, interviews), and wide introduction got active forms (role play, pedagogical auctions, etc.). It is analysed, that all forms of methodical work in a certain period it was proposed to send to the stimulation of the search of creative activity of teachers, the implementation of advanced scientific achievements, advanced teaching experience. Found that based on the theoretical development, manager together with a senior educator sent main efforts to the grant of methodical help and realization of various forms of pedagogical control (frontal, preventive, thematic). Were rethought the role and functions of the control, which now was not to identify gaps, but also in their prevention. In a marked period much attention spared to methodical preparation of young teachers. The historiographical analysis of the studied problem allows summarize the past experience for the further organization development of the methodological work in the modern preschool educational establishments of Ukraine.
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