The application of information technologies in the self-study activity of students-philoloists

  • В. М. Мірошниченко
Keywords: self-study, information technologies, distance learning, virtual learning, philological disciplines, modelling, student- philologist


The article deals with the necessity of the individualization of the students’ self-study by the means of information technologies which activate their work during the educational process favouring the quality of education. Principles that provide efficiency of self-study are defined.

The role of information technologies in the process of individualization of self-study is generalized. It is highlighted a relevance of the combination of traditional and innovative methods of teaching. The advantages of virtual and distance learning are presented.

As a result of our study, we concluded that computer technologies have the following facilities: they provide an opportunity not only dissemination of educational material and recording the responses, but also the analysis of the responses and requests of students, which is very important for independent work; they connect the educational material (a computer program) with the student in a dialogue mode, simulating some of the functions of the teacher and, to some extent, communication; there’s carried out in automatic mode multivariate statistical collection and analysis of information obtained in the course of computerized classes without disturbing the natural flow of the computer lesson. Thus, the interactive learning technology helps the student make adjustments in the tactics of self-education, and the teacher develop a personal approach to an individual learner and to the class as a whole.

Modern educational technology such as: cooperative learning, project methodology, the use of interactive learning technologies, Internet – resources help implement a student-centered approach to teaching a foreign language, providing personalization and differentiation of learning based on students’ abilities, their level of training and aptitude.


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How to Cite
Мірошниченко, В. М. (2018). The application of information technologies in the self-study activity of students-philoloists. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (43), 235-244. Retrieved from