Pedagogical conditions of professional training of future social teachers to the use of health-saving technologies at work with pre-schoolers

  • О. М. Василенко
Keywords: health, health-saving, preparation of future social teachers, pre-schoolers, pedagogical conditions


The article deals with actual practical aspects of the problem of professional training of future social teachers for work with pre-schoolers, in particular the use of health-saving technologies. The purpose and tasks of scientific work is the presentation of specially designed conditions that have been experimentally tested with students of II-IV courses of the corresponding specialty. The author has proved that the training of future social teachers to the use of health-saving technologies in work with preschool children will be effective under certain conditions. It is the formation of the notion about the essence, structure and social significance of health-saving activities. In addition, it is the practice of situational pedagogy’s means, interactive forms and teaching methods in the process of future specialists’ training.

The criterions for assessment of the proposed conditions’ effectiveness have been worked out. They are cognitive and informative, motivational and valuable, personal and actionable. All these criterions have confirmed the validity of the presented pedagogical conditions accordingly the qualitative indicators. They have also specified their applicability both in the course of specialists’ training in the field of social pedagogy and for the upbringers of pre-school educational establishments.

The author's experience in realization of the indicated conditions in practice has been presented thoroughly in the article. The effectiveness of the application of various forms and methods of work destined to ensure achievement of the determined aim has been analyzed. The definition of such concepts as health-saving technologies, pedagogical conditions, preparation and readiness of the social teacher for the introduction of health-saving technologies in work with pre-schoolers. In the process of the experiment, quantitative indicators of the levels of students’ readiness for the introduction of health-saving technologies in work with pre-schoolers have been detected. They have been revealed as a result of qualitative and quantitative processing and analysis of the obtained empirical data. Pedagogical diagnostics of the state of future social teachers’ training for the use of health-saving technologies in work with preschool children has been carried out on the basis of the selected criteria.


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Висновки. Отже, підготовка майбутніх соціальних педагогів до використання здоров’язбережувальних технологій у роботі з дошкільниками буде ефективною, за умови здійснення рефлексивно-середовищного підходу та формування в майбутніх фахівців цілісних уявлень про суть, структуру та соціальне значення здоров’язбережувальної діяльності, забезпечення суб’єктної позиції майбутніх соціальних педагогів, використання у процесі їх підготовки засобів ситуаційної педагогіки, інтерактивних форм і методів навчання, а також спрямування виховного потенціалу позааудиторної діяльності на задоволення індивідуальних потреб майбутніх фахівців у питаннях здоров’язбереження, збагачення їх персонального здоров’язбережувального досвіду.
How to Cite
Василенко, О. М. (2018). Pedagogical conditions of professional training of future social teachers to the use of health-saving technologies at work with pre-schoolers. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (42). Retrieved from