Definition of the concept of lifelong learning in the world pedagogical thought

  • О. О. Наливайко
Keywords: adult-education, continuing-education, lifelong learning, continuing education, higher education institution, concept, education


Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the author carried out a deep analysis of the various points of view of scientists regarding the definition of the concept of «Lifelong learning» and its components. In particular, it was established that the emergence of the concept of «Lifelong learning» is a consequence of the gradual transformation of education as an important element of the social structure.

In the world educational tradition, there are several definitions related to continuing education, namely: «Adult-education», «Lifelong learning», «Lifelong-education», «Continuing-education», «Permanent-education». More appropriate is the identification and analysis of the unified definition of «Lifelong-learning», which most fully reveals such a multifaceted phenomenon associated with the education and training of a person during his life. After all, before a modern successful personality, a lot of challenges arise, which make it necessary to constantly learn, improve their professional level of knowledge, and in some cases even change their specialty.

During scientific research it was established that for the first time the concept of «Lifelong-learning» appears in the works of British scientists in the twenties of the twentieth century. In particular, one of the first who voiced the idea of continuous education was A. Mensbridge in his report to the World Conference on Adult Education in England in 1929.

We have established that the scientific literature offers various definitions of the concept of lifelong learning, based on the allocation of components of lifelong learning, namely, adult learning and education, the continuity of education, the сontinuing-learning or education.

The conducted research shows that excessive use of popular terms usually leads to their substantial devaluation, in particular, the persons who use them stop giving them correct content. Unfortunately, something similar happens with the English concept of «Lifelong learning», which is usually translated with a not very elegant expression «education throughout life».



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How to Cite
Наливайко, О. О. (2017). Definition of the concept of lifelong learning in the world pedagogical thought. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 152 - 160. Retrieved from